Want to play, perform and record in a live ensemble
If you are aged 12 to 17 and love live jazz inspired music this free term time course is for you.
This follows the success of the 2023 programme which saw young people attend the intensive summer taster and ensuing 10 week course in partnership with Youthsayers, a South London based music development organisation. Each course culminated in a public show. See video…
To join the 2024 course you will have some experience of playing a musical instrument so you can improve by playing in a band. The focus is on Afro jazz, Funk, Latin and Reggae genres to help develop and build up your music skills.
You are required to bring your own instruments like horns or guitars as CultureMix Arts has limited instruments available including a keyboard and drum kit.
Sign up by clicking this link to book your free limited space on the course.
What to expect:
During the course you will learn, develop and rehearse new songs with the group for a performance at the end. Watch the above video and read about the Summer short course here.
The course takes place during term time. Please take careful note of the session dates.
Dates & times:
Mondays 5.30pm-7pm
15, 22, 29 April
13, 20 May
3, 10, 17, 24 June
1, 8, 15 July
CultureMix Arts & Music Centre, 7 Queens Walk RG1 7QF
About the Tutors
The weekly workshops will be led by professional multi-instrumentalist, composer and educator Jamie Howell(https://www.jamiehowell.co.uk/bio) with jazz guitarist and tutor Ruel Richardson.

Can I join the course at any time?
You can join the course once it goes live on Eventbrite prior to the start. Please note places are limited to 16 young people.
What happens if I can’t make one of the dates.
This should be ok as you will have access to the course repertoire and music in a form that you can understand.
Do I need to be able to read music to join this course?
No. It is not necessary to read musical score but it helps to understand simple chord charts. However you can still join if you don’t read music or play by ear but can play your instrument.
I don’t own an instrument can I still join?
CultureMix Arts has drum kits, and a limited number of keyboards. If you play any kind of horn or wind instrument, guitar or bass guitar you will need to bring it with you to each session.